Friday, June 26, 2009

Next year

I forgot to let everyone know but I GOT MY JOB BACK!!!! I found out last week, 2 days before school got out. Sadly there are 2 teachers at my school who did not and have to look for another job! =( I am not thankful enough that I got this job last year and was able to get 3 months experience, which is the only reason I got it back!
In other news: its summer! I am teaching summer school but don't start until July 6th. And I have met someone! =) We'll see where it goes as we have just started hanging out! I miss you all! <3

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Results!

I got Riffed! But, I still have faith that I will get my same job back! Hopefully in the next month I will get the call! It still was a hard day though =/

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I just got back from our school music concert and it reminded me of being in elementary school. The 5th grade band was very squeaky and it took everything in me to not laugh.... but again I remember being this way too! Sadly these concerts are not the same as they were for me in school in that I barely have any studnets who attend. Maybe it's just my school but I only had 9 out of 27 students come! I just remember the music program being a big thing that we all got dressed up for and were so proud of our singing. Hmmm... I guess times are different. On another not we found out today that only 35 1st year teachers are going to be cut and we find out tomorrow! Hopefully that doesn't include me!!! Keep your fingers crossed and I will let you know! Look at me... 2 days in a row! =)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

4 months already?

As I was looking over Aubri's old posts (which do not show up in my list so I never knew how much I missed until I checked) I realized that it has been 4 months since I have made a post! It's funny because I really do thinking about posting updates but never seem to find myself doing it. A lot has happened in the last 4 months.... I'll try to shorten it for you all =). Well I sadly currently do not know where I will be working, or if I even will have a job next year. It's crazy how bad the economy got that they had to get rid of teachers when the classrooms are already so full but what do I know. I am currenly preparing myself to get a RIF (pink slip) but hoping that I will get a call back to the school I currently am at. The good thing that has come out of this is that my boss is pulling to get us all back which makes me feel good and accomplished. If I were not in the middle of my Masters program I probably would have taken this opportunity and move some place new for a year, but there is always next year!
I can't believe Aubri is getting married in about a month! Time sure has flown by. I am so excited to see Sarah, and well actually everyone since I feel like it has been far too long! Time really is flying by. I'm excited for summer, but my summer will be delayed by 3 weeks since I will be teaching math summer school. luckily it is only 3 weeks and half days. I know I will greatly enjoy the extra $ as I want to travel this summer! Hannah is getting BIG and will be a year old on the 19th! I still can't imagine having a baby now, but I do love seeing her. She is walking all over the place and in everything! Lily and Mango are doing good, except for the fact that Lily kept me up all night sneezing. I literally got 2 hours of sleep. I took her to the Vet and she has an upper respiratory infection. She sure is an expensive kitty! Well I think that is a quick update about what is going on in my world!