Thursday, December 18, 2008

Work.Life definately has been a crazy week! I almost feel like I am on vacation time right now. So we were 2 hours late Monday and Tuesday, had no school yesterday (which I was very upset about since we had NO SNOW), and now are an hour late today....will see if that changes! So you can imagine how our normal schedule has been very mixed up. I just hope that we have school today so we don't have to make it up at the end of the year!
Of the kids who have showed up we have had a really fun time. I am working on a poetry unit (thankfully for my program where I learned great ways to teach it) which is turning out amazing! They are writing a personification poem on winter. I will have to post some of their published work when they are done!
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately that I want a change. I feel like moving somewhere new for a while, but I'm not sure where. I just think it would be fun to experience a new place and see what it has to offer me. If this were to happen it would have to be after finishing my graduate program (another year and a half), so don't get too worried! Any suggestions of anyone up for joining me???


Kayleen said...

Somewhere new?? You mean like another country? Oh Stevie not when I am about to move back and have a baby! I need you! Well, I guess like you said it wouldn't be for a while so I guess I don't have to worry too much. But, really what are you thinking?

Kristina said...

Well I don't think you should go far so I say Portland, then we can hang out all the time!!! what do you think =)

Making a Difference said...

I say Prosser! Really Portland would be more fun, but I had to try. You still need to visit Prosser sometime. We'll go wine tasting! Come soon! Seriously though it might be fun for a change of location, but I hope its close by.

Nurse Neagle said...

haha prosser...oh jess...if she moved to prosser she could meet the creepy tennis guy...